Wave a Hand and Pay – Amazon to offer Palm-screening Biometric at stores

Wave a Hand and Pay – Amazon to offer Palm-screening Biometric at stores
Amazon introduces Palm-screener Biometric system that will be set up in AMAZON GO retail stores first at Seattle, Washington. (Image Source - CNN)
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Key Points:

  • Amazon to set up Palm-screeners at Amazon Go Retail Stores
  • Seattle, Washington will be their first location to set up the biometric at two stores.
  • Amazon Vice President Dilip Kumar said that, “No two palms are alike, so we analyze all these aspects with our vision technology and select the most distinct identifiers on your palm to create your palm signature.”

On Tuesday, Amazon revealed a new biometric payment system that uses Palm as the recognition tool. The palm-screener will be made available to rival retailers and also as a substitution for badge entry at stadiums or workplaces.

Amazon One, the system, was touted as “a rapid, suitable, contactless way for people to use their palm to make everyday actions like paying at a store, presenting a loyalty card, entering a location like a stadium, or badging into work more easy.”



Starting with two stores at its hometown, Seattle, Washington, the US technology giant said it would be setting up the system at its Amazon Go retail locations.
Amazon vice president Dilip Kumar said the system was developed as “a quick, reliable, and secure way for people to identify themselves or authorize a transaction while moving seamlessly through their day.”

Instead of other biometric identifiers like Fingerprint, Iris or Facial recognition, Amazon One uses each individual’s “unique palm signature,” an alternative.

“No two palms are alike, so we analyze all these aspects with our vision technology and select the most distinct identifiers on your palm to create your palm signature,”
Kumar said in a blog post.

Check the Original Blogpost below:


In Amazon Go stores, the palm-waving system will be added to the store’s entry gate as an option for shoppers. “In most retail environments, Amazon One could become an alternate payment or loyalty card option with a device at the checkout counter next to a traditional point of sale system,” Kumar added.

Considering the palm recognition as “most private than some biometric alternatives because, a person’s identity can’t be determined by seeing at his palm,” Amazon will begin this from their own town.