Unlock 4.0: What remains same, what changes from September 1st

Unlock 4.0: What remains same, what changes from September 1st
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The Unlock 4.0 phase starts from September 1 when India’s Covid-19 tally has crossed the 3.46 million mark with 62,550 deaths.

The Central Government has sidelined barricades of a few norms for the non-containment zones in the country.

Changes after September 1

• Upto 50% staff can visit schools from September 1.

• The Metro Services  to restart from September 7 wherein

. Contactless Ticketing System

. Automated Thermal Cameras

. Fresh Air Points in coaches

. Longer hault at stations

Will be the norms followed.

• Students of classes 9 to 12 outside containment zones may be permitted to visit schools for guidance with their parent’s consent.

• Open Air Theatres to open from September 21.

• Social / academic / sports / entertainment / cultural / religious and political gatherings of upto 100 people under roof to be permitted from September 21.

• Bars will be allowed to serve liquor over the counter for takeaways.

• State and UT Governments won’t be able to impose lockdowns other than in containment zones without prior permit.

• Breaking Covid-19 norms will lead to heavy fine payments.

What Stays The Same?

• Local trains in Mumbai WILL NOT resume in this phase due to the concern of crowding.

• Schools and colleges for students, remain closed.

• Theatres, pools and parks will remain closed.

• No International travel until MHA’s permit.

• E-pass for interstate travellers is a must.

Thus, Unlock 4.0 may prove to be a relief for a few and discomforting for the rest.