On Monday, the Pune district reported 628 new Covid cases and ten deaths. A total of 233 patients recovered, bringing the total number of active cases in the city to 1,936. Today, only Covaxin doses will be available at seven government centres run by the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC), with no Covidshield stocks. Vaccination at private clinics will continue to be paid for. To date, the Pune circle, which includes the districts of Pune, Satara, and Solapur, has administered over one million Covid-19 vaccines. According to district health officials, Pune has vaccinated 72,61,612 people, Satara has vaccinated 15,97,624 people, and Solapur has vaccinated 11,90,324.
Meanwhile, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh’s visit to Pune on Monday has been rescheduled for Friday. Singh was scheduled to visit Girinagar for a one-day visit to preside over functions at the Defence Institute of Advanced Technologies and the Army Sports Institute.
During his visit, Singh was also expected to review the Southern Command’s operational readiness and be briefed by top brass in the presence of Army Chief General MM Naravane and Southern Army Commander Lt Gen JS Nain.