Kerala: ‘Tomato flu’ detected, 80 children infected so far

Kerala: ‘Tomato flu’ detected, 80 children infected so far
Source: Latestly
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The ‘Tomato flue’ has been detected in many parts of Kerala. According to media reports, 80 children below the age of 5 have been infected by this flu.

What is ‘Tomato flu’?

  • It is an unidentified fever
  • Causes rashes and blisters that are generally red in color – which gives the name ‘tomato flu’ or ‘tomato fever’.


  • Rashes, blisters, skin irritation and dehydration
  • High body fever, body ache, joint swellings, tiredness, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, discoloration of hands, knees, buttocks
  • Coughing, sneezing and runny nose

How to deal?

  • Consult a doctor. 
  • Maintain cleanliness and hygiene
  • Avoid scratching the blisters. 
  • Stay dehydrated and have proper rest.