India’s Phase 3 of Vaccination starts from 1st May; Key Details

India’s Phase 3 of Vaccination starts from 1st May; Key Details
Representative Image (Ajit Solanki / AP Photo)
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With the Covid-19 cases graph reaching sky high in the country, in order to cut the graph down, Vaccination is the key method for India, says the Prime Minister of the country.

The Phase 2 of the Vaccination has come to an end and India is all prepared for the Phase 3, that begins from 1st May, 2021. Following are the Key Details of the 3rd Vaccination drive:

Key Points:

  • The eligibility of this Vaccination Drive this time is 18 years of age and above.
  • 50% of the monthly Central Drugs Laboratory-released doses coming from the Vaccine manufacturers would be supplied to the Government of India. 
  • Vaccine manufacturers would be free to supply the remaining 50% doses to state governments and in the open market.
  • Price of the Vaccine doses that will be available for the states and in the open market, must be declared before May 1 by the manufacturers.
  • Based on this price, state governments, private hospitals, industrial establishments etc would be able to get supply of vaccine doses from the manufacturers.
  • Private Hospitals would have to obtain their Covid vaccine supplies of exclusively from the 50% supply designated for other than Government of India channel. 
  • Government of India, from its share, will allocate vaccines to states/UTs based on criteria of the extent of infection (number of active COVID cases) and performance (speed of administration).
  • Vaccination will continue as before in the government of India vaccination centres free of cost to the eligible population — healthcare and frontline workers and all people above 45 years of age.
  • COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers have been given incentives to further increase the production to attract new national and international bidders.

The current cases in the country have reached the mark of 15.3 million and the second wave of the virus is spreading fast and wide.