In 80% covid-19 patients experts have found deficiency of Vitamin D

In 80% covid-19 patients experts have found deficiency of Vitamin D
Picture Credits : Healthify Me official blog site.
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Key Points : 

  • Right from the time coronavirus pandemic vitamin D is the nutrient that has been in the news.
  • There have been many journals and case studies that have mentioned that the covid-19 patients have divided D deficiency as this sunlight vitamin isn’t obtained by them naturally.
  • Studies say that 80% of the covid-19 patients are Vitamin D deficient.
  • A co-author Jose L. Hernandes has also spoken and written about this deficiency in the oven 19 patients during this pandemic.

Right from the time of coronavirus pandemic vitamin D is the nutrient that has been in news. Health experts have also put out concerns over the growing cases of vitamin D deficiency in general population as people are at home and definitely they are not able to obtain that sunshine vitamin or the vitamin that is obtained from Sunlight every single morning.

A new fact study has also discovered 80% of covid-19 patients are suffering from vitamin D deficiency. This vitamin D is known to add many bodily functions and its us insufficiency may lead to heart related ailments even respiratory problems low immunity and weak bones.

A study that was published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and metabolism has found a 80% off 216 covid-19 patients admitted in a hospital to be vitamin D deficient in Spain.

Co-author Jose L. Hernandez, Ph.D., of the University of Cantabria in Santander, Spain has written ,
“Vitamin D-deficient COVID-19 patients had a greater prevalence of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, raised serum ferritin and troponin levels, as well as a longer length of hospital stay. We did not find any relationship between vitamin D concentrations or vitamin deficiency and the severity of the disease.”

There are many recent studies done by various journals about this vitamin D deficiency including : ‘The Recent Study by Plos One’s and those journals have also suggested covid-19 patients some treatment process to fasten their recovery.