On Wednesday, in a meeting, the Delhi Disaster Management Authority has decided to make masks mandatory. The ones not wearing masks will be fined with Rs.500. Delhi is witnessing a surge in the number of daily Covid cases. The authority has decided to continue the schools in physical mode, however, SOPs will be issued to manage it better.
The national capital, on Tuesday, reported 632 fresh Covid cases along with a 4.42% positivity rate. The daily tally, on Monday, was 501 and the positivity rate was 7.72%.
On Tuesday, Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan wrote to the governments of Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Mizoram regarding the spike in cases and positivity rate. The letter read “recently, there are a few states which are reporting a higher contribution to India’s cases and higher positivity. The Ministry has advised all the States/UTs to follow a risk assessment-based approach on the opening of economic and social activities without losing the gains made so far in the fight against the pandemic.”