An attempt to seal the deal Apple VS WeChat

An attempt  to seal the deal                   Apple VS WeChat
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The possible outcomes after the US bans WeChat and China bans the iPhone are going to be endless.

“If WeChat is banned there is no reason why the Chinese shall keep iPhone and apple products”, said Zhao Lijian a Chinese politician and the current deputy director of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Information Department in reply to trumps emerging policies towards banning Chinese apps, WeChat in the recent case.

This clearly has pushed Apple’s $44 billion Chinese market towards the edge. Apple however would still continue to sell just as many as it did before but will manufacture them in places other than China. Banning Apple phones and products creates a possibility of banning Chinese phones in the US. 

Questions still remain on how trumps orders will be implemented.

A rising factor of concern is emerging along. 

The threats are towards the citizens more rather than the government. 

Any ban on the use of WeChat threatens to cut off a key communication link between China and the rest of the world and could possibly prevent US companies like Starbucks from reaching to consumers in the world’s second-largest economy. 

The order against WeChat claims that it captures the personal information of Chinese nationals visiting the united states.

However, when asked questions about the same the nationals revealed and expressed their concerns about how the ban of WeChat may limit their ability to communicate with friends and family.  Since WeChat is fully embedded in Chinese Americans’ lives, the tough stand taken by the president of the US might pose threats, for the upcoming 2020 elections. Some people also believe that there should be an alternative to WeChat rather than completely banning it outright.

The decisions of the Donald Trump’s government are infact being awaited for.