India’s Recycle Man converts used PPE Kits & face masks into bricks

India’s Recycle Man converts used PPE Kits & face masks into bricks
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“My superhero – Captain Planet inspired me to think about nature and the environment and save it. Goo Planet! But I pursued it as my career when I was encouraged by my friends and host family in the USA during my youth exchange year.”

Said Dr. Binish when asked about his inspiration behind turning used PPR kits and face mask into bricks.

Covid-19 is being battled across the globe. With the pandemic, a new question arises of ‘How to deal with the ‘Corona Waste’ – discarded masks, PPE kits, gloves, and sanitizer bottles. New problems need new solutions and that is exactly what Binish Desai AKA The Recycle Man of India ( a 27-year old Gujarat Based Environmentalist) has come up with.

Desai has made an ‘Eco-friendly’ Brick out of the waste. He designed ‘Brick 2.0’ using ‘corona waste’ with the same process of his 2010 ‘P-block’ made with ‘paper and leftover gum’.

How did Binish make the Brick?

52 % of shredded non-woven waste of the PPE Kits and Gloves
3 % of the binder
45 % paper waste

When asked about the responsibility tagging along with the title of ‘The Recycle Man’, Binish replied,

“With great power comes great responsibilities. So this gives me a responsibility to ensure I spread awareness about real recycling and try finding ways to defeat my archnemesis i.e waste.”

Desai has also worked with NGOs to build over 1,000 toilets in rural areas across the country and hence was the Brand Ambassador of Swacch Bharat too. Dr. Binish Desai has a Paul Harris Fellow, recognized by Rotary International, and was Padma Shri nominee 2018. He was praised for his work by Late Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.

“Eco-bins” can be Dr. Desai’s next move.

Dr. Desai has given the world a way to make their environments healthy by proper waste management