On Saturday, the Delhi Government relaxed a few guidelines for the citizens.
The Delhi Wellness Spa Association breathed a sigh of relief and welcomed the decision of the Delhi governmen.t
Cinemas, Theatres, Multiplexes, Spas, Metro and Public Buses are also allowed to operate in Delhi.
Even though the public transportation is on, no standing passengers in the metro will be allowed.
As per sources, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) said that an eight-coach metro train will be able to carry maximum 400 passengers, as opposed to 2,400 during regular times.
But, Schools, Colleges, Educational and Coaching Institutes as well as Social, Political, Sports, Entertainment, Cultural, Religious and festival-related gatherings are still banned in the city.
The July 24 guidelines also allows business-to-business (B2B) exhibitions but only with business visitor.