Kangana Ranaut’s Twitter account was permanently suspended on 4th of May, Tuesday morning after, as known, she posted a Video regarding the horrid situation in West Bengal. 3 million people were following the actress on Twitter but now, the account stands inactive. Kangana’s video, wherein she asked for President’s rule in West Bengal may have been the reason for Twitter to take this action on her account.
The actress, in a series of Tweets had made comments on the alleged violence that took place in West Bengal after election results were out. “Violence has erupted in West Bengal after the election polls. Homes are being looted, being are being killed, and women are being raped,” said Kangana about the violence.
Kangana had demanded president rule in West Bengal after Mamta Banerjee-led TMC won the recent election in the state, defeating BJP.
Kangana has also been making all kinds of Tweets on the platform right from speaking about ex-boyfriend Hrithik Roshan to debating with Saamna Editor Sanjay Raut over Sushant Singh Rajput case.
Kangana Ranaut also tweeted that people using oxygen cylinders and making oxygen plants should ‘return’ their share back to nature.
There are a part of Twitteratis who seem happy about the Suspension.
But there is also a section who say that the Suspension was Useless and instead, very provoking as the actress just spoke of the real events taking place in Bengal.
After the Suspension, Kangana Ranaut uploaded a Video on Instagram terming “Death Of Democracy”