GSB Seva Mandal, King’s Circle has taken an insurance cover worth Rs.316.40 crore for a five-day Ganesh festival. Previously, in the year 2016, an insurance of Rs.300 crore was taken up by GSB. On August 29, the first look of Ganpati will be unveiled by GSB at the ‘Virat Darshan’ ceremony.
Out of the Rs.316.40 crore insurance policy, Rs.31.97 crore covers gold and silver jewelry that adorns the idol. A whopping Rs.263 crore involves personal accident cover for Mandal volunteers, priests, cooks, footwear stall workers, valet parking personnel, and security guards.
The Maha Ganpati of the Mandal is decorated with nearly 66kg of gold ornaments, more than 295kg of silver, and other valuable items.