Maharashtra stands third in national highway deaths

Maharashtra stands third in national highway deaths
Source: Construction World
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The data released by National Crime Record shows that in 2021, all the national highways passing through the state accounted for 29% of road accidents. The casualties reported on national highways were 3,996 of 13,911.

With the casualties reported on national highways, Maharashtra stands third after UP with 7,212 casualties and Tamil Nadu with 5,360 casualties. However, the number of casualties if stooping low in Maharashtra. In 2021, casualties in the state dropped by 21%. Nearly, deaths of 4,000 people are still happening on National Highways.

ADG (state traffic) K K Sarangal said, “Manual enforcement has its limitations. On roads that don’t have speed cameras, we deploy vehicles with personnel to click photos of speeding vehicles and challan them,” reported The Times Of India.