Anti mask protests gain momentum in Mumbai : Here’s what the doctors have to say

Anti mask protests gain momentum in Mumbai : Here’s what the doctors have to say
Protesters hold up their placards at Marine Drive on Friday morning. Picture Credits : EyeAmSid
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Key Points : 

  • Last week on the 2nd of October, Friday morning, hundreds of anti-mask activists gathered at the Marine Drive in Mumbai to raise their voice against the government’s rule that makes it a compulsion to wear masks in open public spaces.
  • The protest which was originally supposed to occur at the Gandhi statue opposite Mantralaya at 11 am, was relocated to Marine Drive when cops took away the protestors’ banners and were made to leave.
  • One of the doctors stated”A single individual’s negligence can prove to be fatal for hundreds. The government can only function properly if the citizens adhere to the regulations which are passed keeping in light the health and safety of the nation.”

Last week on the 2nd of October, Friday morning, hundreds of anti-mask activists gathered at the Marine Drive in Mumbai to raise their voice against the government’s rule that makes it a compulsion to wear masks in open public spaces.The protestors raised questions on the mandatory mask-and-vaccine policy. Their demands included that the government should end the lockdown.

According to the protestors, they have the right to choose the treatment they want to get, and there should be no mandate on them to get tested for the Covid-19 infection in any case. The protest which was originally supposed to occur at the Gandhi statue opposite Mantralaya at 11 am, was relocated to Marine Drive when cops took away the protestors’ banners and were made to leave.
Yohan Tengra a 23-year-old activist said that people are facing breathing problems because of the masks.He added, “We are not against people wearing masks, but it should not be forced upon them.” For every rule passed there will be an opposition and this compulsion of masks rule isn’t ruled out. Since the global leaders decided to mandate the use of masks, the decision is recieving backlashes throughout many countries.The anti-mask movement is gaining momentum across the world with bizarre theories like they cause breathing problems, or it is a government’s propaganda to instill fear among the citizens. The protests continue despite the fact that wearing a mask is one of the top precautions being suggested by the doctors amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. The initiation of the protest began in United States of America and spread like wildfire.In the United States of America, people are straightaway refusing to wear a mask, claiming they have health issues, or it is imposing their right to breathe freely. Most public places across the world have “no mask, no entry” rule in motion. Here, anti-maskers are creating a problem for the business owners and putting people around them at a grave risk of getting Covid-19 .

Firoze Mithboriwala is researching the alleged New World Order for more than 23 years. He said that ,”N95 masks are a ‘sham’ and only create a placebo effect. In reality, according to him, wearing a mask is more dangerous as the person will breathe back Carbon Dioxide captured within the masks. He said, “If people feel they are safe wearing masks, then please do. But others who don’t feel comfortable, it shouldn’t be forced upon them.” He believes that the fear that is being created around Covid-19 is only to put money in the pockets of big pharma and tech companies. “I am convinced that this virus is a bio-weapon that has been unleashed upon the world,” he added.”

India News Net interviewed few doctors whereas one of the doctors stated ,
“It is quite concerning that people are opposing the government’s decision to mandate the use of masks. It should be noted that this virus isn’t limited to one person . The virus’s concern is that it spreads person to person quite rapidly”.

Another doctor from the team added,
“A single individual’s negligence can prove to be fatal for hundreds. The government can only function properly if the citizens adhere to the regulations which are passed keeping in light the health and safety of the nation.”